Winter mode

9 June 2022

We are now officially into Winter and things have slowed down growing. The temperature is all over the place though - some days are fire days and others are T shirt days (no wonder some of the poor plants are confused ) The drought is well and truly broken much to the trees relief.

Steve has been doing losts of prunning and build a mulch mountain for us to use in the gardens. Our son Peter visited and spent a couple of days feeding the mulcher and generally lending a helping hand while he was here :-)

We are slowly building the range of flavoured salts and other dried products as well as introducing a few new sauces. Taste testers are always welcome.

Pictures below

  1. the mulch pile growing 2. newly trimed hedges down the drive 3. baby ginger 4. mix of mild chillies

    5. view from the bottom orchard at sundown 6. Naga Peach chilli 7. kumara grown in container in the tunnel house 8. sifting the lemongrass powder

    9. kaffir lime leaf powder 10. mixed yellow super hot chillies freshly ground 11. yellow 7 pot 12. Carolina Reaper chillies drying

    13. mandarin slices dried for the new mandarin salt 14. pea shoots ready to harvest 15. galangal, ginger, kaffir lime leaf, potato onions, turmeric leaf, chilli, garlic, lemongrass all freshly harvested to make chicken parcels wrapped in turmeric leaves for dinner.


where has the time gone????


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