Christmas Round-up

25 December 2020

Boy!!! not sure where it went to but the year has been full-on for us.

We decided to take a break over Christmas / New Year this time round, just so we can catch up a bit.

BIG THANK YOU to all our customers for supporting us over the year, hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and good wishes for the new year.

We have been blown away by the on line sales since the episode about us on Country Calendar. Thanks to everyone who has made an order. I have been busy in the kitchen restocking the supply cupboard and will be making the next batch of sauce on Boxing day.

Fruit is starting to ripen and it is time to race and beat the Rosellas to the fruit (little so-and-so imports, it is amazing how fast they can strip a tree of fruit)

We start back with our regular markets on Friday 8th January and this year will also be taking our sauces & art pieces to the Taihape A&P Show 30 January 2021.

pictures above from today

  1. Spaghetti squash just starting to change colour.

  2. Outdoor turmeric starting to come through.

  3. New season fruit forming on the rocotto chilli. (this plant overwintered outside)

  4. Passion fruit vines are loaded with fruit this year

  5. Loads of grapes setting.

  6. Can’t wait to try the cider pears this year in a sauce or chutney.

  7. Still got lots of lemons for a new batch of Yellow Fever Chilli Sauce.

  8. Carolina Reaper chilli pods starting to form on the new plants.

  9. Chilli plants interplanted with marigolds and basil in the tunnel house.

  10. View up the hill from the outside beds to the big tunnel house.

  11. Zucchini don’t wait for breaks - might be a few batches of chutney & zucchini bread coming up until the next market.

  12. Kamokamo are starting to set fruit.

  13. Outdoor tomatoes are on the way - most of these will end up as sauce this year I think.

  14. Just started harvesting this years plums we will have different varieties coming on until mid February.

  15. Yay looks like we might get a crop of hazelnuts this year.

  16. Apples are growing fast out first trees will be ready to harvest end of February.

  17. The old tunnel house frame. The cover got trashed in 117km winds a couple of years ago so we have wrapped the frame in netting and beans & rocotto chillies are climbing up one side, turmeric is coming down three-quarters of the other side and the rest is taken up with super hot chillies & basil.

  18. Hoping all the flowers mean lots of feijoas this year = lots of sauce & chutney :-)


February already??


Hmmm Time for an update